Sewing and Writing in August


A.N.-A. - 11 When we started working on this pad project,I was a little nervous. Pads can sometimes make me a little nervous, perhaps it’s because I have not learned a lot about them. But I got used to it. When we sew together, I am learning more about sewing, how to get the needle threaded, how to do seams all sorts of things! This is a project we can achieve and do, because we have many people who are part of it. We are trying lots of different pads to practice sewing and to learn what pads work best. I had never sewn menstrual pads before this, but I think they're easy to make. You can make them in all different ways but they all have a certain pattern, easy ones are good to make for beginning sewers, and then there are harder, more difficult ones, but they all work the same. For most people, talking about Pads is hard, and for me,it's sometimes hard.In this Pad Project, we are learning, sewing, talking, Lots of things! It’s nice, sitting on the porch sewing pads.


A.S. - 11 The Pad Project When I started making pads and learning about them I was at first scared and uncomfortable. However over time I was very fortunate to learn that pads were only made uncomfortable in the past and that they are completely ordinary articles of clothing and are helpful with part of women's bodies. I had never learned how to make a pad or use a sewing machine. To be honest I am glad that I didn’t because there is no better way to learn how to sew then in a circle of safety with my friends old and new with lots of laughing and happiness.

Pads can be good for humans but they can also be terrible for the earth. Paper pads don’t need to be washed, they are not reusable. They are uncomfortable and take 500 years for them to decompose. When we make pads they are cloth meaning they are reusable and they take way shorter to decompose. Their only issue is that you have to wash them. So it is just a bit of more work and you can make a big difference.

That is all I have to say about making and using pads. So if you wish to help the plants and animals that feed you and make your life so much better, then buy our pads so you can save more money and save plants and animals. All we want to do is help your life be that much better.



You should by are pads buckes thay are inviermently good. And thay do not female liki a stra jakit for your but. And thay are mad by hand vary carfly. And we hav 2 vary good and helpful teachers. I.C  S. to mack shor everything goos smoothly, and thats y you shud get are pads.

By Hannah B age 9


S.B.T. 11 years old. 

When we started to make pads I had no idea how to sew. Also, I didn’t know almost anything about pads, so I was kind of weirded-out. But I really enjoyed learning about them and then sewing them with friends. Now I feel comfortable talking about them and learning about them.

We have also been making bags which is really fun.

I personally think I have really improved my sewing and I believe this has really been a good experience for me where I have learned to open up more and feel comfortable about it.


A.T. - 11

The test pad I made was a struggle. The thread I was using was too thick for the machine, so it got stuck a lot. It was the first thing I had sewn with a sewing machine in my life. I think my pad turned out great. Despite all the extra pieces of thread I had to cut off for it to look neat.




I am L. M. and am nine years old. I started WiseBodies one year ago and I love and enjoy it!!

Everyone in my class has become my great friends and are close to me. 

The pads we are making are easy and fun and great for the environment.

I think that you should consider getting one of these pads.

It takes over 500 years for a plastic pad to biodegrade, unlike our pads which are reusable.